『YDXCアワードルール』 ☆2011年8月申請料変更
- 横浜市内の局との交信 1点
- YDXCメンバー局との交信 3点 (メンバーリストは上記をクリック)
申請料: 3 IRC またはUS$5
QTC!! 30点になったら申請料は無料
アワードマネージャー JH1APK << 申請書送付 住所、氏名、〒は左をクリック
Yokohama DX Club Award
The YDXC award is issued to any licensed hams/SWLs that acquired 9points or more.
- A contact with a YDXC member counts 3 points.(Members List Here)
- A contact with the station located in Yokohama city(non member) counts 1 point.
All contacts should be confirmed by QSL cards.
Fee: 3 IRCs or U.S. $5
*If you have more than 30 points, the award will be free.
All contacts should be made after 1 January 2001.
Official application form and member list are available in the YDXC website.
YDXC Award Manager: JH1APK << Link to QRZ.com